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Visual Fox Pro manuals. Internet programming.

Definition of Visual Fox Pro

Visual FoxPro is a data-centric object-oriented and procedural programming language produced by Microsoft. It is derived from FoxPro (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. Fox Technologies merged with Microsoft in 1992, after which the software acquired further features and the prefix "Visual". The last version of FoxPro (2.6) worked under Mac OS, DOS, Windows, and Unix: Visual FoxPro 3.0, the first "Visual" version, dropped the platform support to only Mac and Windows, and later versions were Windows-only. The current version of Visual FoxPro is COM-based and Microsoft has stated that they do not intend to create a Microsoft .NET version.

FoxPro originated as a member of the class of languages commonly referred to as "xBase" languages, which have syntax based on the dBase programming language. Other members of the xBase language family include Clipper and Recital. (A history of the early years of xBase can be found in the dBase entry.)

Visual FoxPro, commonly abbreviated as VFP, is tightly integrated with its own relational database engine, which extends FoxPro's xBase capabilities to support SQL query and data manipulation. Unlike most database management systems, Visual FoxPro is a full-featured, dynamic programming language that does not require the use of an additional general-purpose programming environment. It can be used to write not just traditional "fat client" applications, but also middleware and web applications.

Manual Description Online Format File
Wikipedia Visual Fox Pro 1 Recent history
2 Version information
2.1 Operating system compatibility
2.2 Information on executable files
3 Code samples
3.1 Object
3.2 Data handling
3.3 ODBC access using SQL passthrough
4 Beta code names
5 References
6 External links
6.1 Microsoft pages
6.2 Other pages
Winner Soft Visual Fox Pro "The main purpose of starting this page is to share my FoxPro related interests. As time proceeds, I will decide what more I can add in here. It all depends on the encouragement and success by way of feedbacks and comments of browsing members. There will be frequent changes as I keep building this site. Please bookmark this site and visit as often as you like. "
Microsoft Reference Visual Fox Pro "The Visual FoxPro reference topics describe the commands, controls, objects, properties, methods, events, statements, functions, constants and productivity tools available."
Visual Fox Pro International Features This section is a compendium of VFP's international features and dependencies. It is a long and detailed section, though fortunately many of the themes are recurring. Here is a short summary of the main themes found herein:
Yaldex Fox Pro Tutorial Great manual with lots of information. One among the most complete tutorials about Fox Pro on the net.
Dynamic Solutions Visual Fox Pro Data Reference Analysis Accessing Your Data Warehouse with Visual FoxPro
Course Reference Guide
MarshallSoft Fox Pro Programmer's Manual 1 Introduction
1.1 Features  1.2 Documentation Set  1.3 Example Program  1.4 Installation  1.5 Uninstalling  1.6 Pricing  1.7 Updates

2 CSC Library Overview
2.1 Dynamic Link Libraries 2.2 Keycode  2.3 INCLUDE Files  2.4 FoxPro Forms  2.5 Dynamic Strings  2.6 Null Terminated Strings  2.7 Win32 STDCALL and DECLSPEC  2.8 Adding CSC4FP to a VFP Program  2.9 Example Protocol  2.10 Error Display

3 Compiler Issues
3.1 Compiling Programs  3.2 Compiling to an Executable  3.2 Compiling CSC Source

4 Visual FoxPro Example Programs
5 Revision History

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