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HTML manuals. Internet programming.

Definition of Html

Short for HyperText Markup Language, the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web. HTML is similar to SGML, although it is not a strict subset.

HTML defines the structure and layout of a Web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. The correct structure for an HTML document starts with <HTML><HEAD>(enter here what document is about)<BODY> and ends with </BODY></HTML>. All the information you'd like to include in your Web page fits in between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags.

There are hundreds of other tags used to format and layout the information in a Web page. Tags are also used to specify hypertext links. These allow Web developers to direct users to other Web pages with only a click of the mouse on either an image or word(s).


  xxxKb = Size of downloadable file in Kb  || - Manual on Internet (no downloadable)
- Htm Format |  - Microsoft Word (.doc) | - Acrobat PDF (.pdf)  | - Rich Format Text (.rtf)
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Manual Description Online Format / File Ads / Size - Html Reference & Tutorial This section of Quackit provides a list of articles and tutorials to assist with your HTML coding.
W3schools Html tutorial  "In our HTML tutorial you will learn how to use HTML to create your own Web site."
Basic and advanced tutorials.
Html code tutorials Complete list of tutorials and documentation about HTML.

HTML for beginners

Complete list of information and tutorials.

"This tutorial is for anyone who is serious about learning HTML code. Perhaps you want your own web page, or an entire web site. Perhaps you're setting up a web site for your business or organization. You've come to the right place. You do not need any prior experience in making web pages to take this course (although I will assume you know how to do some basic things with your computer, like use a word processor.) "
Beginner's guide to HTML  "This is a primer for producing documents in HTML, the hypertext markup language used on the World Wide Web. This guide is intended to be an introduction to using HTML and creating files for the Web. Links are provided to additional information. You should also check your local bookstore; there are many volumes about the Web and HTML that could be useful."
Html Goodies "If you know nothing about HTML, this is where you start. These tutorials are set up so you can move through them over a week's time. One tutorial per day. However, if you can go faster, do it! Some have told me that they finished the primers in a day. Good luck."
PageResource. Basic and Advanced HTML tutorials Easy tutorials for beginners tackling with the basics of HTML.
Hscripts. Html Tutorials. Basic and Advanced. Html Online tutorial.
Quack It. Basic and Advanced HTML tutorial "This HTML Tutorial is for beginners. It teaches you HTML from the ground up - starting with the basics. Coding HTML is actually quite easy - as this tutorial will show you. There's a lot of information in this tutorial, so I recommend you take your time and cover off a little bit each day. Don't worry if it takes you several days to complete - it's better to fully understand everything than to brush over it and not fully comprehend it. "
Echoecho HTML tutorial "You can use this tutorial either as a complete introduction or as an A-Z reference to HTML. The pages are packed with:
Easy to understand explanations, massive examples, tips, smart workarounds and useful quick references."
Html Dog Html Beginner Tutorial Html tutorial for beginners.
Tizag Html Tutorial Welcome to's HTML Tutorial! Here you will learn the basics of HyperText Markup Language (HTML), so that you may design your own web pages like the one you are viewing right now! 15 lessons on Html for beginners.
Html primer  Easy introduction to HTML.
"This site contains HTML tutorials to help you learn the various aspects of HTML or Hyper text Markup Language. HTML is the basis for all web pages on the Internet. The following lessons will have you create your own web pages in just a few minutes."
Sitepoint HTML Reference. HTML Reference. HTML Microformats. HTML Common Attributes. HTML Concepts. HTML Extras. HTML Examples.


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