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Cobol manuals. Programming languages.

Definition of Cobol

COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was one of the earliest high-level programming languages. It was developed in 1959 by a group of computer professionals called the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL). Since 1959 it has undergone several modifications and improvements. In an attempt to overcome the problem of incompatibility between different versions of COBOL, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) developed a standard form of the language in 1968. This version was known as American National Standard (ANS) COBOL.

In 1974, ANSI published a revised version of (ANS) COBOL, containing a number of features that were not in the 1968 version. In 1985, ANSI published still another revised version that had new features not in the 1974 standard.

The language continues to evolve today. Object-oriented COBOL is a subset of COBOL 97, which is the fourth edition in the continuing evolution of ANSI/ISO standard COBOL. COBOL 97 includes conventional improvements as well as object-oriented features. Like the C++ programming language, object-oriented COBOL compilers are available even as the language moves toward standardization.


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Manual Description Online Format / File Ads / Size

Cobol Wikipedia 1 History and specification
1.1 History of COBOL standards
1.2 Legacy
1.3 COBOL 2002 and object-oriented COBOL

2 Features  2.1 Syntactic features  2.2 Data types
2.3 Hello, world

3 Criticism  4 Defense  5 Aphorisms and humor about COBOL
6 See also  6.1 Other third-generation programming languages
7 References  8 Sources  9 External links

This tutorial is designed for software programmers who would like to learn the basics of COBOL. It provides enough understanding on COBOL programming language from where you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.


Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of computer programming terminologies and JCL. A basic understanding of any of the programming languages will help you understand the concepts of COBOL programming and move fast on the learning track.
Cobol language reference Very detailed manual with lots of information.  
Cobol Resources COBOL programming site with a comprehensive set of COBOL tutorials making a full COBOL course as well as COBOL lecture notes, COBOL programming exercises with sample solutions, COBOL programming exam specifications with model answers, COBOL project specifications, and over 50 example COBOL programs.
Cobol Programming course
COBOL Programming Course. Includes COBOL tutorials, COBOL example programs, COBOL programming exercises and COBOL self assessment questions. Complete tutorial about Cobol divided in nearly 50 sections Cobol tutorial divided in 26 chapters.  
Cobol Language Reference Cobol tutorial from IBM.  
Teach yoursel Cobol in 21 days Teach yourself Cobol in 21 day (2nd Edition). A 1039 page PDF tutorial.  
Cobol Programming Learn Cobol in 25 small and easy lessons  
Cobol Tutorial Introduction  - History of Cobol - Who Uses Cobol  - Is Cobol a Best Practice - Was It a Best Exercise in 1959 ?- Re-engineering Cobol into Cintrinsic Control - Lets the Game Begin - Starts with the Basics of Cobol  - Coding Areas - Data Vision - Environmental Vision
Identification Vision - Procedure Division - Boolean Data - Initializing the Data - Printing and Writing the Data - Conclusion


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