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Delphi. Programming languages.

Definition of Delphi

Object (or Delphi) Pascal, a set of object-oriented extensions to standard Pascal, is the language of Delphi. Delphi Pascal is a high-level, compiled, strongly typed language that supports structured and object-oriented design. Its benefits include easy-to-read code, quick compilation, and the use of multiple unit files for modular programming.

Borland Delphi is a sophisticated Windows programming environment, suitable for beginners and professional programmers alike. Using Delphi you can easily create self-contained, user friendly, highly efficient Windows applications in a very short time - with a minimum of manual coding.

Delphi provides all the tools you need to develop, test and deploy Windows applications, including a large number of so-called reusable components.
Borland Delphi, in it's latest version, provides a cross platform solution when used with Borland Kylix - Borland's RAD tool for the Linux platform. Borland Delphi (1/2/3/4/5) is a development tool for Microsoft Windows applications. Delphi is powerful and easy to use tool for generating stand-alone graphical user interface (GUI) programs or 32-bit console applications (programs that have no GUI presence but instead run in what is commonly referred to as a "DOS box.")


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Manual Description Online Format / File Ads / Size

Delphi FAQ (frequently asked questions) Delphi FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1.11 Mb
Delphi-central Nearly 100 easy-to-follow tutorials.
"Here you will find beginner Delphi programming tutorials as well as ones on more advanced Delphi subjects. If you would like to see a particular Delphi tutorial then let us know."
Delphi3000 articles Hundreds of sorted articles about Delphi. Exhaustive information.
Delphibasics Lots of sorted articles about Delphi. Exhaustive information. "This web site provides help and reference for the fundamentals of the Delphi© language. It is gives an introduction to the Delphi Object Oriented Language for newcomers, and provides a ready reference for experienced programmers. It limits itself to a broad base of the language in order to keep things simple and manageable. The approach taken is to present the most useable basics of Delphi in as accessible a manner as possible."
Delphi tips and how-to -articles "DelphiLand's selection of Delphi tips and short how-to articles only contains real tips, snippets of knowledge that are hidden in some dark corners of the help files or the manuals -- or even not mentioned in the documentation. Quality above quantity: we only publish tips that enhance your productivity, or that spark off other ideas, or simplify your programming -- only the real "Hey, I didn't know that you could do that with Delphi"  stuff makes it to these pages :). Every tip and scrap of code has been tested, no "hear-say" :)."
Delphi source code & Mini Tutorial projects Nearly 20 easy tutorials to get started.
Digital coding Delphi tutorials "This tutorial is based on examples. I have design easy to understand examples. So by following one by one you can improve your Delphi programming technique dramatically. In each examples major programming part are clearly out line. Within the program you will see comments line that describe what each commands do."
Techiwarehouse Delphi tutorial -Introduction
-Application vs. CLX Application
-Delphi vs. Others
-My First Delphi Program
-Ordinal , Enumerated and subrange Data Types 
-Design Patterns in Delphi
-DlLL in Delphi
-Variable Scope
-Loops in Delphi
-String types in Delphi
-Functions and Procedures
-Class Method
-Routine in Delphi
-Records in Delphi
-Static and Multidimensional -Arrays
-Static Arrays
-Dynamic Arrays
-Errors and Exceptions
-Text Files in Delphi


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