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Unix / Linux manuals. Operative Systems.

Definition of Linux / Unix

1. Definition of Linux: Pronounced lee-nucks or lih-nucks. A freely-distributable open source operating system that runs on a number of hardware platforms. The Linux kernel was developed mainly by Linus Torvalds. Because it's free, and because it runs on many platforms, including PCs and Macintoshes, Linux has become an extremely popular alternative to proprietary operating systems.

2. Definition of Unix: Pronounced yoo-niks, a popular multi-user, multitasking operating system developed at Bell Labs in the early 1970s. Created by just a handful of programmers, UNIX was designed to be a small, flexible system used exclusively by programmers.
UNIX was one of the first operating systems to be written in a high-level programming language, namely C. This meant that it could be installed on virtually any computer for which a C compiler existed. This natural portability combined with its low price made it a popular choice among universities. (It was inexpensive because antitrust regulations prohibited Bell Labs from marketing it as a full-scale product.)


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Manual Description Online Format / File Ads / Size

Unixhelp for Users "Helpful information for users of the UNIX operating system, developed at the University of
 Edinburgh from work funded by the ITTI. Please read this disclaimer. "


Introduction to the Unix Operating System Tutorial of unix with 19 pages. Brief introduction


Linux files and command reference The same as above but in pdf format. 38 pages.

94 KB

Unix tutorial for beginners Eight useful tutorials. Concise but detailed information.

269 KB

Introduction to Unix X Windows - C Shell Scripts - Common UNIX Utilities - Editing Files - Electronic Mail - Getting Started - Introduction to UNIX - Network Related Utilities - Shell Exercises - The Shell - UNIX File System - UNIX Overview - UNIX References

1717 Kb

Unix Tutorial for Beginners Tutorial for Beginners. Eight Lessons.   96 Kb
Unix Tutorial for Beginners 2 Tutorial for Beginners. Six Lessons.   32 Kb
100 Linux Tips and Tricks 100 Linux Tips and Tricks. 116 pages.   1092 Kb
A Basic Unix Tutorial This tutorial comprises fourteen sections, each of which addresses a fundamental aspect of UNIX computing. It concentrates on illustrating the central concepts by providing short explanations, along with examples, and exercises.   109 Kb
Linux Files and Command Reference 1. Introduction  2. File Structure  3. Configuration Files  4. File Formats Commands  5. Filesystem Management  6. File Management and Viewing  7. Help, Job and Process Management  8. Network Management  9. System Management  10. User Management  11. Printing and Programming  12. Document Preparation 13. Miscellaneous
14. Credits
PDF. 38 pages.
  94 Kb
Linux From Scratch This book describes the process of creating your own Linux system from scratch from an already installed
Linux distribution, using nothing but the sources of software that are needed.
  365 Kb
Red Hat Linux 8 Administrator The Of cial Red Hat Linux System Administration Primer   636 Kb
Red Hat Linux 9 Glossary Glossary. 44 pages in PDF.   125 Kb
The One Page Linux Manual A summary of useful Linux commands.   59 Kb
Unix And Internet Fundamentals Howtol This document is intended to help Linux and Internet users who are learning by doing. While this is a great way to acquire specific skills, sometimes it leaves peculiar gaps in one's knowledge of the basics −− gaps which can make it hard to think creatively or troubleshoot effectively, from lack of a good mental model of what is really going on.   54 Kb


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