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Assembly manuals. Programming languages.

Definition of Assembly

A programming language that is once removed from a computer's machine language. Machine languages consist entirely of numbers and are almost impossible for humans to read and write. Assembly languages have the same structure and set of commands as machine languages, but they enable a programmer to use names instead of numbers.

Each type of CPU has its own machine language and Assembly language, so an Assembly language program written for one type of CPU won't run on another. In the early days of programming, all programs were written in Assembly language. Now, most programs are written in a high-level language such as FORTRAN or C. Programmers still use Assembly language when speed is essential or when they need to perform an operation that isn't possible in a high-level language.


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Manual Description Online Format / File Ads / Size

Tutorialspoint - Assembly programming Complete assembly tutorial.   Introduction. Environment Setup. Basic Syntax. Memory Segments. Registers. System Calls. Addressing Modes
Variables. Constants. Arithmetic Instructions. Logical Instructions. Conditions. Loops. Numbers. Strings. Arrays. Procedures. Recursion. Macros. File Management. Memory Management
Pravaraengg - Assembly_tutorial   The tutorial from tutorialspoint in PDF format. 81 pages
Friedspace - Introduction to Assembly programming Getting started with assembly programming with this tutorial
A brief X86 assembler tutorial Assembly language programming for the Intel x86 chips
A brief X86 assembler tutorial Assembly language programming for the Intel x86 chips. The above document in .zip format. 158 Kb
Assembly tutorials Several useful Assembly tutorials
Laynetworks Assembly Tutorials Introduction. Basic Concepts. Assembler programming
Assembler language instructions. Interruptions and file managing
Macros and procedures. Program examples

Introduction to x64 Assembly

Introduction to x64 Assembly
Introduction to x64 Assembly Introduction to x64 Assembly in PDF format. 13 pages
Wiremod Forum Assembly programming tutorial. An introduction
Securityxploded This article is specially designed to help beginners to understand and develop their first Assembly Program from scratch. Through step by step instructions it will help you to use tools, setup the environment and then build sample 'Hello World' program in Assembly language with detailed explaination.
Virginia Uni - x86 Assembly Guide This guide describes the basics of 32-bit x86 assembly language programming, covering a small but useful subset of the available instructions and assembler directives. There are several different assembly languages for generating x86 machine code. The one we will use in CS216 is the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) assembler. MASM uses the standard Intel syntax for writing x86 assembly code. The full x86 instruction set is large and complex (Intel's x86 instruction set manuals comprise over 2900 pages), and we do not cover it all in this guide. For example, there is a 16-bit subset of the x86 instruction set. Using the 16-bit programming model can be quite complex. It has a segmented memory model, more restrictions on register usage, and so on. In this guide, we will limit our attention to more modern aspects of x86 programming, and delve into the instruction set only in enough detail to get a basic feel for x86 programming.


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