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Fortran manuals. Programming languages.

Definition of Fortran

Acronym for formula translator, Fortran is the oldest high-level programming language. Designed by John Backus for IBM in the late 1950s, it is still popular today, particularly for scientific applications that require extensive mathematical computations.

The two most common versions of Fortran are Fortran IV and Fortran 77. Fortran IV was approved as a USASI standard in 1966. Fortran 77 is a version of Fortran that was approved by ANSI in 1978 (they had expected to approve it in 1977, hence the name). Fortran 77 includes a number of features not available in older versions of Fortran. A new ISO and ANSI standard for Fortran, called Fortran-90, was developed in the early 90s.


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Manual Description Online Format / File Ads / Size

Fortrantutorial Learn to code in 7 lessons with Fortran 90/95
FORTRAN Tutorial Home
Worksheet 1 - Basics - Worksheet 2 - Decisions
Worksheet 3 - Loops - Worksheet 4 - Files & Precision
Worksheet 5 - Arrays & IO - Worksheet 6 - Subprograms
Worksheet 7 - Advanced topics
Modular programming with Fortran 90 Excellent and very detailed manual with full of explanatory examples.
Introduction to Fortran Tutorial from Michigan University
Fortran 90 articles Documentation about Fortran 90
Stanford Fortran 90 tutorial 13 lessons. Detailed information.
Fortran 77 Tutorial Preface. What is Fortran? - Fortran basics
- How to use Fortran on the Unix computers at Stanford - Variables, types, and declarations - Expressions and assignment - Logical expressions
- The if statements - Loops - Arrays - Subprograms - Arrays in subprograms -Common blocks - Data and Block Data Statements - File I/O - Simple I/O
- Format statements - Numerical Software - BLAS - LAPACK
- How to use libraries (Unix) - How can I find what I need?  - Programming style
- Debugging - Fortran resources on the Web
Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 programmer "This tutorial is written in order to ease the transition from the very common and popular programming language Fortran 77 to the more modern Fortran 90. This transition uses the fact that Fortran 77 is a pure subset of Fortran 90. "
Fortran 95 tutorial. Complete course "This tutorial is written as a complete textbook on Fortran 95. It requires no prior knowledge of Fortran."
University of Texas - Fortran90/95/2003/2008 92 pages in PDF format.
Exodus.physics. Fortran 95 Scientific computing with Fortran 95 - Advanced Fortran 90 Great tutorial on Advanced on Fortran 90
Fortran 95 Tutorial Compact Fortran 95 Language Summary
Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 Programmer Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 Programmer
Fortran 90 Tips Tips on programming Fortran 90
Introduction to Fortran 90/95 50 pages in PDF format
University of Iceland. Fortran 90/95 and Physics Fortran 90/95 and Computational Physics. PDF format. 30 pages.
Wikipedia. Fortran 95 features Wikipedia. Fortran 95 features. This is an overview of Fortran 95 language features. Included are the additional features of TR-15581:Enhanced Data Type Facilities, that have been universally implemented. Old features that have been superseded by new ones are not described — few of those historic features are used in modern programs although most have been retained in the language to maintain backward compatibility. Although the current standard is Fortran 2008, even many of those features first introduced into Fortran 2003 are still being implemented. The additional features of Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008 are described by Metcalf, Reid and Cohen


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