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VBScript. Internet Programming languages.

Definition of VbScript

1. This is a scripting language based loosely on Visual Basic, and is developed by Microsoft. Its functionality in a web environment is dependant upon either an ASP engine or the Windows Scripting Host, and must be used on a Windows hosting platform.


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Manual Description Online Format / File Ads / Size

VBScript Basics What Is VBScript? - Adding VBscript Code to an HTML Page - VBScript Basics - VBScript Data Types - VBScript Variables -VBScript Constants - VBScript Operators - Using Conditional Statements - Looping Through Code - VBScript Procedures - VBScript Coding Conventions - Using VBScript in Internet Explorer - A Simple VBScript Page - VBScript and Forms - Using VBScript with Objects
Tizag Vbscript VBScript stands for Visual Basic Script, a scripting language developed by Microsoft to be used with Microsoft products, mainly Internet Explorer. It has gone through many changes over the years and is now mainly used as the default scripting language of ASP.
Quackit Vbscript tutorial This VBScript Tutorial is for beginners. It teaches you VBScript from the ground up - starting with the basics. This tutorial assumes you are comfortable coding HTML. If you aren't comfortable with HTML, start with the HTML Tutorial first, then return to this page to learn VBScript!
1.Introduction 2.VBScript Editors 3.VBScript Syntax 4.VBScript Variables
5.VBScript Arrays 6.VBScript Date 7.VBScript If Statements 8.VBScript Select Case
9.VBScript While Loop 10.VBScript For Loop 11.VBScript Operators 12.VBScript Functions
Guru99 - Tutorials for Beginners Introduction to VBScript
Declaring and Using Variables in VBScript
Operators, Operator precedence & Constants in VBScript
Using Conditional Statements in VBScript
Using Loops in VBscipt
Using Procedures & Functions in VBScript
VBScript Interview Questions & Answers
Academic Tutorials Vbscript
VBScript Introduction - VBScript How to Use  - VBScript Variables
VBScript Procedures  - VBScript Functions  - VBScript Conditions
VBScript Summary - Summary
And more...
Land of Code. Vbscript tutorials and examples This section contains tutorials on a variety of VBScript topics including printing text, working with variables, loops, arrays, displaying date & time, and more. Navigate through the tutorials using the menu on the left.
VBScript intro. basics, variables, procedures, popup boxes, conditions, loops, arrays, strings, date & time, summary
Herongyang VbScript This free VBScript tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning VBScript himself, an ideal tutorial guide for beginners. Topics include VBScript, Visual Basic, Script, Variant, Array, Function, Error Handling, Regular Expression, Dictionary, File System, Class, Object, IE Browser, IIS Server, WSH, Windows Script Host.
Microsoft VbScript's User Guide VBscript User Guide

What Is VBScript? Defines VBScript and explains how it relates to other -scripting languages.
-Adding VBScript Code to an HTML Page. Explains how to use the SCRIPT element to add VBScript code to an HTML page.
-VBScript Fundamentals. Introduces VBScript features and elements.
-VBScript in Internet Explorer. Explains how VBScript works in Internet Explorer and provides examples.
-Introduction to Regular Expressions (Scripting) -Describes the concept of regular expressions and how to create them.
-VBScript Language Reference
Defines the elements of VBScript and provides syntax for proper use.
Csidata. VBSTUTOR What Is VBScript? Adding VBscript Code to an HTML Page

VBScript Basics
VBScript Data Types. VBScript Variables. VBScript Constants. VBScript Operators
Using Conditional Statements. Looping Through Code. VBScript Procedures. VBScript Coding Conventions. Where to Go from Here

Using VBScript in Internet Explorer
A Simple VBScript Page. VBScript and Forms. Using VBScript with Objects
TutorialsPoint - Vbscripts Hundreds of vbscripts in different categories
Loops, events, cookies, variables, constants, numbers, arrays, strings, dates, etc.
Introduction to VbScript Here, you will learn how to use VBScript on web pages to create pages which are not only more interesting to visit, but also more functional.

Since VBScript is based on Microsoft's Visual Basic programming language, anyone who has experience with Visual Basic, or most other Basic programming languages, will probably find VBScript very easy to learn.  Regardless, both Visual Basic and VBScript are fun and easy to learn.

Chapter 1: What You Need, How To Get Started
Chapter 2: Introduction to the IE Object Model
Chapter 3: Functions, Arrays, and Program Flow
Chapter 4: Frames and Forms and Elements, Oh My!
Chapter 5: Embeddable Components

Exforsys. Introduction to VBScript Microsoft�s VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is a scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. VBScript is a subset of Visual Basic, a more developed scripting language, and is commonly used on the Web as a client side scripting language and server-side processing in ASPs (Active Server Pages). The interpreted script language VBScript is designed for Web Browser interpretation. VBScript is similar to scripting languages, including; Netscape�s JavaScript, Sun Microsystem�s Tcl, IBM�s Rexx and the UNIX-derived Perl. These scripting languages have been designed to be used as an extension for html language. A Web Browser receives the scripts for websites through web page documents that are then parsed and processed.
Functionx. Vbscript tutorial Lessons
Introduction to VBScript  Scripts Fundamentals  Forms and Web Controls
VBScript Variables  VBScript operations  Procedures and Functions
Built-In Functions  Conditional Statements Counting and Looping

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