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Visual Basic. Programming languages.

Definition of Visual Basic

A programming language and environment developed by Microsoft. Based on the BASIC language, Visual Basic was one of the first products to provide a graphical programming environment and a paint metaphor for developing user interfaces. Instead of worrying about syntax details, the Visual Basic programmer can add a substantial amount of code simply by dragging and dropping controls, such as buttons and dialog boxes, and then defining their appearance and behavior.
Although not a true object-oriented programming language in the strictest sense, Visual Basic nevertheless has an object-oriented philosophy. It is sometimes called an event-driven language because each object can react to different events such as a mouse click.

Since its launch in 1990, the Visual Basic approach has become the norm for programming languages. Now there are visual environments for many programming languages, including C, C++, Pascal, and Java. Visual Basic is sometimes called a Rapid Application Development (RAD) system because it enables programmers to quickly build prototype applications.


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Visual Basic .Net tutorial / Local Download

Introduction to Visual Basic .Net. 26 pages in PDF.

Home and learn - VB .NET

This Home and Learn computer course is an introduction to Visual Basic.NET programming for beginners. This course assumes that you have no programming experience whatsoever. It's a lot easier than you think, and can be a very rewarding hobby!

HowToStartProgramming - VB .NET

VBasic.Net. 1. Introduction 2. Hello World 3. Variables 4. If Statements 5. Math Functions 6. Form Properties 7. The Progress Bar 8. The Listbox 9. The Radio Button And The CheckBox10. The Menu Strip 11. Linking Forms 12. Log In Form 13. Text To Speech 14. Splash Screen 15. For Loop 16. Do While 17. Do Until 18. Subs 19. Functions 20. Advanced MessageBox 21. Conditional Operators 22. Logical Operators 23. Timers 24. Sending An Email 25. Emailing Application
26. FTP Upload 27. FTP Application 28. ByVal and ByRef 29. Comments 30. Download and Run File 31. Web Browser 32. Application Settings 33. Using Settings 34. Auto Typer 35. Arrays
36. Splitting Strings 37. Computer Information 38. Try Catch 39. Web Page Source Code
40. Application Updater 41. Website Login 42. Reading Text Files 43. Saving Text Files
44. OpenFileDialog 45. SaveFileDialog 46. Special Folders 47. Get Elements By Tag Name
48. Get All HTML Elements 49. Click Button Without ID 50. Write To Online Text File
51. HttpWebRequest POST Method 52. HttpWebRequest CookieContainer 53. MultiThreading
54. Regex 55. Modules 56. Classes

Visual Basic .Net tutorial / Local Download

Introduction to Visual Basic .Net. 26 pages in PDF.

The VB Programmer. tutorial

The tutorials, how-tos, and code samples provided on this page are available free of charge. You can use these as an on-line resource to access any individual topic on this page, as well as download any associated VB project files or other files associated with that individual topic for no cost whatsoever.

Java2s. VB.NET

Exhaustive and complete manual on All topics covered!

Microsoft VB.NET code for developers

Developer code samples. From Microsot Site.


Articles and code on Tips and tricks.


Visual Basic .NET is an Object-Oriented programming language designed by Microsoft. With the word “Basic” being in the name of the language, you can already see that this is a language for beginners. Although the language is aimed at noobs and novices, you should not underestimate the power of the language itself. There are people who criticize VB.NET because of the simplicity of the syntax, but VB.NET has the ability to create very powerful and sophisticated applications. VB.NET is a great place to start because of how easy and straight forward it is. The syntax is easy and you will not find yourself writing hundreds of lines of code as there are many shortcuts that make coding so much easier in this language.

56 chapters!


A program is not its syntax. It is a computational process. It is what it does. The .NET Framework provides the VB.NET syntax form. The VB.NET language exposes the power of the .NET Framework. With the Framework methods we avoid writing lots of tedious code. This speeds development.
Array Class Collections File String Console Data Enum Interface Lambda Loop Number Process Property Regex Sort StringBuilder Structure Sub Time Windows

The current contents of the tutorial are as follows:
Part 1 - A "From the Ground Up" Tutorial - An introduction to the course.
Part 2 - Visual Basic Fundamentals - The basics of the VB Language and How To Find More Information.
Part 3 - About Programming - Software systems and the Systems Development Life Cycle.
Part 4 - What's New With Visual Basic .NET Express - Special emphasis on VB.NET 2010.
Part 5 - The .NET Framework and Objects - How the Framework and Objects fit into VB.NET.
Part 6 - Objects in Detail - More objects and version 1 of the Signature Block program.
Part 7 - Using Data and Serializing to Files - Intro to ADO.NET, and Using Serialization in Version 2 of the Signature Block program.
Part 8 - Using XML - Introduces the use of XML in VB.NET.
Part 9 - Programming Logic and System Architecture - Systems: From the CPU Chip to Networks.
Part 10 - Collections of Things - How to use Arrays, Collections, Stacks and Queues.
Part 11 - Errors: Preventing and Handling Them - Built-In Error Prevention and Structured Error Handling


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